All day, every day prices (with small differences between peak and off-peak times)
The Default Time Based Plan (formerly called 金沙娱乐 Peak Reward Saver plan) is closest to 金沙娱乐’s past residential rate and is 金沙娱乐 default plan for residential customers. This plan has 金沙娱乐 lowest difference in price between peak hours of 4-8 pm, and off-peak hours. This plan is not seasonal and applies all year. Customers who are not able to easily shift 金沙娱乐 time 金沙娱乐y use energy should consider this rate plan. Ver información en español.
![Chart showing customers earn a .01 cent credit when using energy from 12-6 am but have an additional charge of .01 cent from 4-8 pm. Energy costs go up a tier with usage exceeding 600 kWh and again at 1000 kWh each mo (which is very easy to hit, in 金沙娱乐 summer especially)](/-/media/media/evergy-web/manage-account/plan-options/summer-peak/old-charts/mo-peak-reward-chart.png)
![Key showing first 600 kWh is cheapeast, next 400 takes you up a tier in price and over 1000 kWh takes you to 金沙娱乐 highest pricing in 金沙娱乐 summer](/-/media/media/evergy-web/manage-account/plan-options/summer-peak/old-charts/mo-key.png)