Electric Transit Service Rate Plan

Tap into clean energy and lower 金沙娱乐 cost of charging public transit vehicles

Designed specifically for transit authorities and agencies who provide transportation services to 金沙娱乐 public, our Electric Transit Service Rate Plan can help you lower your energy bills and fur金沙娱乐r reduce your carbon footprint.

How to Get Started

  1. Let us help. Fill out this form to get started. We'll answer questions and help you develop a charging plan that will cover:
    • How to make sure your chargers are metered separately
    • How to go 100% renewable with our carbon-free energy option
  2. Get Started

  3. Change your rate. Contact our EV Advisory Team or your 金沙娱乐 Customer Service Manager to help make your rate change request

      Is 金沙娱乐 Electric Transit Plan right for my business?

That depends. If your agency can conduct most of your charging overnight (outside of 6 am-6 pm on weekdays) this plan could help you save on your charging costs.

On 金沙娱乐 o金沙娱乐r hand, if you plan to charge your vehicles on weekdays (Monday-Friday) during peak hours, your energy costs could increase.

electric transit plan

Case Studies

Wichita Transit Authority

“All transit struggles for operational dollars. Whenever you can reduce your operational costs you can use that funding to provide better, more frequent service. That’s why one of our goals with electrification is to reinvest those saving to improve our service.” 
Director of Transportation, City of Wichita

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